BOWERMAN, MATTHEW S. (JSC-DV1) (USA) matthew.s.bowerman1 at jsc.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 28 11:42:41 PST 2003

I just reviewed the source, being the Cheshire Visitation of 1580, and it
was listed as "Or, three Lozenges Azure", buy the College of Arms.  This
confuses me even further.  I was thinking of using the arms in a Pas de'
Armes in memory of my ancestors, but wanted to check and make sure no one in
the SCA was using it before I did. But then again no one should be using it
anyway because it is dormant due to the deaths of all male heirs, and it's
lack of use after 15th century by the descendants of the female heirs.
Anyway, I was just trying to check, and boy wouldn't you know the Armorial
says the blazons wrong.  Oh, well.  I also wanted to check with Daniel and
the college to see if the college would allow me to do this for one tourney.
I know I could just do it, but I sort of wanted to get a waiver so to speak.


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