[ANSTHRLD] AAA Consulting... or: the return of Fabulous Heraldry

Kathleen O'Brien kobrien at texas.net
Tue Jun 29 23:24:24 PDT 2004

At 10:39 PM 6/29/2004 -0500, Amanda Bowen wrote:
>>I really hope there is other assistance coming. After all, you all don't 
>>want me documenting everything from Hanks and Hodges do you?
>If anyone can drop by the table with a copy of Dunkling and Gosling I'd be 
>much obliged. I'm leaving all the useless books at home. Reaney, for 
>sure she had a copy of D&G somewhere...

I'm planning on being there basically the whole time.  Sorry I didn't reply
sooner - overtime work is eating what little brain I have left.

I have a copy of Dunkling's "Scottish Names for Children" - but not the
normal D&G.  Sorry.  I do have a real printed copy of Yonge, though.  It's
on the same shelf as Coghlan.  In my name library, that's referred to as
the Yech! shelf.  It's amusing that when I describe it that way, the name
folks can usually find the correct shelf fairly quickly...


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