[ANSTHRLD] Dec. '03 LoAR missing pages 5 and 12

Tim McDaniel tmcd at panix.com
Mon Mar 22 20:03:44 PST 2004

I am pleased to report that a fair number of people read (or at least
look closely) through all of their paper LoAR as soon as it hits their
mailbox.  I am gratified that so many people, upon seeing a problem,
will immediately call it to the attention of the Laurel team.

I intend tonight to post the _unabridged_ electronic versions of the
December LoAR to their respective mailing lists (
     loar-htm at scadian.net
     loar-pdf at scadian.net
     loar-rtf at scadian.net
     loar-txt at scadian.net
     loar-wp5 at scadian.net
) and send them off to Herveus to put on the Laurel Web site.

I will probably send the text for the two missing pages (pages 5 and
12 of the LoAR proper) to these lists.

Daniel, clerk
Tim McDaniel (home); Reply-To: tmcd at panix.com; work is tmcd at us.ibm.com.

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