[ANSTHRLD] Accept No Substitutes! King's College is good for what ails you!

C. L. Ward gunnora at vikinganswerlady.com
Fri May 7 11:26:57 PDT 2004


Four-score and seven years ago..... OK, not really.  Actually, it was only
TWENTY-SEVEN years ago (but still a distinguished length of time) a
wonderful event premiered in Ansteorra, and has continued to this day:
KING'S COLLEGE!  This event was the brain-child of Mistress Clare Rosmuire
St. John, and was a bit of a misnomer at the time; you see, Ansteorra didn't
have a King at the time; not one of it's own, anyway, because we were a
part -- a mere Region -- of Atenveldt back then.  Not even a Principality
yet.  But Clare and others like her had the dream that Ansteorra would be a
Kingdom, and she knew it would need an event to teach new and "established"
Ansteorrans alike the Arts and Sciences, the Courtly Graces, even the Rules
by which we play this game.  Twenty-seven years later, King's College is
still fulfilling that dream.

Please come be a part of this wonderful tradition.  We are still accepting
class proposals.  Take the next step in your art and knowledge and prepare a
class.  The style of the class is up to the instructor.

King's College will be held Saturday, June 19th, 2004 at Midwest State
University in Wichita Falls, TX, and is hosted by the good people of the
Shire of Brad Leah.  The site is both beautiful and well-equipped, having
classrooms that seat from 30 to 80 students, plus common areas and an
outdoor education center where we can accomodate a couple of more daring
classes.  (Things involving fire and that sort of thing...)

If you want to offer a class, or know someone who does, or know someone who
*should*, please urge them to email me a class proposal, or call me at

If you live in the Metroplex area, Wichita Falls is but a two-hour drive.
It's not much of a jaunt for most of Oklahoma and much of the Western
Region, either, so I hope and expect to see many far-flung Ansteorrans
gathering there.  Honestly, it's not even that bad a drive from San Antonio!
(We just get on 281 N and cruise!  Much prettier than I-35 and no traffic
jams, either!)  For folks in the Coastal Region, well, there's nothing I can
say to make the drive shorter or the going easier, except to remind you that
it WILL be fun!

Please feel free to forward this message to your apprentices, students,
friends, local mailing lists, household lists, etc.  The folks in Brad Leah
are really excited to be hosting this event and they, like everyone else,
are looking forward to a full day of learning and lore.

Any questions?  Email me!

...and thank you for your support!

King's College Deputy
<mariferch at sbcglobal.net>

"In my view, books should be brought to the doorstep like electricity, or
like milk in England: they should be considered utilities, and their cost
should be appropriately minimal.  Barring that, poetry could be sold in
drugstores (not least because it might reduce the bill from your shrink). At
the very least, an anthology of American poetry should be found in the
drawer of every room in every motel in the land, next to the Bible, which
will surely not object to this proximity, since it does not object to the
proximity of the phone book." -- Joseph Brodsky

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