[ANSTHRLD] Kingdom A&S Thank Yous

Elizabeth Blackthorne damsle_n_distress2003 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 19 07:56:05 PST 2006

Greetings unto Ansteorra,

Please pardon the Multiple Posts as I am trying to make sure this gets to everyone.

Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competition was held yesterday.  Though it was cold, we still had a wonderful turn out.  This would not have been possible if it weren't for all those people who both attended and talked this event up to others.  Thank You.

Also, having the Scribal class on charter painting was wonderful, to the ladies who coordinated this thank you for both considering this event as a place, and for doing such a wonderful job of coordinating it.

The Heralds table was also a success.  Thank you Star Herald and Bonwicke Herald for making this happen, and also for considering this event as an option for it.

Feast was absolutely wonderful, and I am not just saying it to be polite, it truly was.  The food was hot, good, very close to on time, and the courses were spaced out wonderfully.  Lady Kristyan, you and your crew were amazing.

To the Barony of Bonwicke, Thank You so much for stepping up and agreeing to work with us on this venture.  This would not have been possible without you.

All the wonderful people I got to herald for me, thank you.  One lone voice is often blurred out by the crowd, having several voices helped everything run smoothly.

Duchess Willow, not only did you allow us the use of your wall hangings, you and others provided entertainment during feast.  You always add to the ambiance of an event, thank you for coming and bringing it to us.

To my wonderful group.  You Guys ROCK!  I know that it is often the Event Steward who gets all the glory, but it is all of you who deserve it.  Things ran so smoothly due to your hard work.  I could not have done this without you.  I spent much of the event frantically looking for something to go wrong, but nothing was.  Thank You.

To all who stayed after to clean up, wow and thank you.  Because of you we were off site before 12am so that we could get a good nights sleep after a hard day.  Many of you postponed your trip home to do this and while I was in bed resting, were still on the road.  That is an awesome thing to do and I wish I new more of your names, but since I do not know everyone's I am not going to post anyone's because I do not want to leave anyone out.

I had tremendous help from Mistress Gweneth and HL Catherine.  Without you guys giving specific instructions and advice, we wouldn't have been able to do it.

To those who stayed home due to bad road conditions: thank you for remaining safe to share with us your artistry on another day.  The loss of you personally would be a greater loss to this Kingdom than the loss of your entry into this competition.  Please stay safe.

In Service To The Dream and Ansteorra,
Lady Elizabeth Blackthorne
Event Steward for Kingdom Arts and Sciences

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