[ANSTHRLD] Follow up on Baron Tepesa

Jay Rudin rudin at ev1.net
Thu Jan 26 11:08:06 PST 2006

Crandall asked:

> So who should tell Vlad Starkraven that his device offends 
> people? Especially as we (the college) passed it.

Oh, don't worry about it -- he knows.  He even knows why much better than you do.  His device is the exact logo of "Death Records", which I believe to be a fictional label from some 70s movie.

When he started, in the wild and woolly 70s, he called himself "Vlad the Impaler", sometimes cam out only at night, and occasionally carried a hammer and stake.  Since "Vlad the Impaler" wouldn't pass, he changed it to "Vlad Ravna of Starkraven", the "Starkraven" part being inspired by his choice of device.

However, the rules of submission are quite clear.  Administrative Handbook II.C.1. states (in relevant part: "Protection shall continue to apply even if the item in question could not be registered under the Rules for Submission currently in effect (Grandfather Clause)."

Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin
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