[ANSTHRLD] Consulting Library

nweders@mail.utexas.edu nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Fri May 19 17:23:36 PDT 2006

Hi all:

It's the very silent Tressure asking for help.

I'm in the process of going through the Consulting part of the Heraldic Library
and was curios about several things.

First, several of the books are damaged or at best untidy, so I have been
spending time do some repair work.  A couple of books will have to be rebound
as they are falling apart.  two of them need Holes punched and then put into
notebooks, so they will be missing unless I can get them done by Tuesday.  If
any of youhave any books that are owned by the Coolege of Heralds and are in
need of repair or rebinding, please contact me and we will make arrangements
about getting them to me for repair.  I do book binding (of the more modern
sort) and can get these a bit more defended from heavy handling and bad

Second, the books came to me in two very heavy tubs.  Almost too heavy for some
people to pick up singly.  They are awkward and one of the lids does not stay
on very tightly. Since I do not attend the Consultations very often I would
like to know how many of these books are neede, which are somewhat needed and
which could be of secoondary use.  I counted at least 4 books on names of
Scotland... some of which are needed.  How often is the Book of Runes used by
Ralph Blum?  Do we often use a modern Spanish dictionary (which is in very bad
shape as it's a pocket paperback).

there is a third box with office supplies that will be going up.

Basically my quiestion is what do you want to have on hand for Consulting
Tables?  Which books do you deems most necessary?  Do you feel that all the
Articles from St. Gabriel's be present?  Will there always be a laptop so we
could pull them onto a CD or pocket hard drive for use?

Please send me any imput from you all as I really want the books to be of use
and value.



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