[ANSTHRLD] stumped

robert segrest aumbob at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 14 04:00:16 PDT 2006

I have a submitter who wants

Sable, a mullet of five points between, per saltire, 
four crescents (      ) argent.

Or at least thats my best guess at it.  The star is in
the center, with the crescents arrayed towards the
corners of the shield with points facing outwards.  I
really don't know how I would blazon the position of
the crescents.

Also, for conflict checking purposes, I believe she'll
have one CD from any devices not containing
secondaries in that arrangement, so this should be a
pretty simple check.  If I am off my rocker, please
clue me in now.

Lord Laszló Nemanželsky
Halberd Pursuivant

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