[ANSTHRLD] [Elfsea] June LOAR results for Ansteorra

Jennifer Smith jds at randomgang.com
Sun Sep 30 12:57:50 PDT 2007

> Hey just asking.....
> where is
> Roger de Cornwall  - name and device?
> Arabella?

What Luciana posted was the Laurel (top-level-SCA-wide) acceptances and
returns -- things actually registered.

For those who haven't checked it out before, the Heraldic Submissions
Tracker is very useful, if a bit cryptic at first glance! It can be found
directly at http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/hst/, or just go to the heraldry
website at http://heraldry.ansteorra.org, click on "Submissions" in the
sidebar, and then the link for "Ansteorran Heraldic Submissions Tracker". 

You can then look for submissions sorted either alphabetically, or by the
branch name on the form. Since I don't remember offhand what branch Roger's
name was in, I'll look alphabetically, and find:

Roger de Cornwall. (Elfsea)
ILoI 7/07 20.
Kingdom accepted 9/07 (AG 10/07).
In progress.

ILoI 7/07 20.
Kingdom returned 9/07 (AG 10/07).

(Back on the first page of the HST is a link to the 'help' file, and it's
also in the upper righthand of every page. It does explain all of the

This basically says that Roger's name and device were both in the Internal
Letter of Intent (ILoI) for July 2007, item #20. The decision meeting at
kingdom decided to go ahead and send his name on up to Laurel for possible
registration, but returned his device. This happened in September 2007 (and
his name is on the September 2007 Letter of Intent (LoI)), but the full text
of that decision can be read in the Ansteorran Gazette (AG) for October

This all *just* got published, so Arbalest likely hasn't had a chance to
send out notifications yet. 

-Emma, Bordure

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