[ANSTHRLD] consulting at Jägermeister

Coblaith Mhuimhneach Coblaith at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 21 02:47:13 PDT 2008

I'm working with the herald for the Shire of Fynnon Gath to plan a 
consultation table at Jägermeister 
<http://ffynnon-gath.ansteorra.org/Jagermeister2008.htm>.  I would very 
much appreciate being able to add a few heralds to the roster, 
especially those with books they can bring.  As I understand, it has 
been quite some time since they've had any open consultations locally, 
and I want to do it right.  (I have personal access to very few printed 
resources, and no laptop.)

If you're able and willing to help, please drop me a line.

Coblaith Mhuimhneach
Orbis Herald
<mailto:Coblaith at sbcglobal.net>

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