[ANSTHRLD] Tressure Herald

Star Principal Herald star at ansteorra.org
Fri Aug 21 18:08:43 PDT 2009

I am happy to announce that HL Tadhg mac Aodháin uí Chonchobhair is
the new Tressure Herald, overseeing the education branch of the
College of
Heralds. He succeeds HL Domhnall Dubh Ó Ruairc, who did a fine job
before mundane events intervened, and certainly deserves thanks for
his service.

For those who have been wanting to see a revamped education page on
the heraldry website, now is your chance to chime in with suggestions!
We especially need to hear from you newer heralds -- what you would
like to see, what questions you'd like answered, and so forth. Send
comments either here on the list or to HL Tadhg directly at
tressure at herald.ansteorra.org.

-Emma, Star

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