[ANSTHRLD] saltorel gules conjoined in the base (was {TH}orkell {o,}lf_ss - another device attempt)

Alasdair MacEogan alasdair at bmhanson.net
Tue Aug 31 13:27:05 PDT 2010

I think nevermind.  I may have answered my own question.  If you go to http://www.heraldsnet.org/saitou/parker/Jpglosss.htm#Saltire and scroll down a little.  On the right side you will see a coat of arms fro Borough of SOUTHWARK.  http://www.heraldsnet.org/saitou/parker/images/m518a.gif

If this is the source then I will say it does not appear to be enough to document the use of the design in period.  Parker published his book in the late 1800s.  You would likely need to try for a more period source for the motif.


>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Alasdair MacEogan <alasdair at bmhanson.net>
>  To: Heralds List, Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc. <heralds at lists.ansteorra.org>
>  Subject: Re: [ANSTHRLD] {TH}orkell {o,}lf_ss - another device attempt
>  Sent: 31 Aug '10 13:54
>  Can you provide a link or source to look at where this was seen?  The connecting line on the bottom of the saltorel seems out of place.  The only examples I can find are an X.

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