[ANSTHRLD] Queens Champion Help Please

Brandon McDermott brandonsmcd at yahoo.com
Mon May 10 14:43:39 PDT 2010

Good gentles,

 As some may know, the Steppes' fine Canton of
Glaslyn is hosting this Queens Champion on Saturday May 22nd. For this
to be entertaining for her soon to be Majesty, run smoothly, and be as
memorable as it should .....  we have need of Field/List Heralds! My
Good Lady Wife, the Okenwald Pursuivant
has charged her deputy, in this case ME, to handle this matter. So let
me be brief, a fact many know to be of great difficulty for me, and beg
a boon of our good populace. Please volunteer! "Voluntolding" is messy!
I know that many of our good people are at this very moment, as they
read, trying in vain to volunteer and cannot. Let me help. Send all
requests to be allowed this position...Neigh....This privilege to Lady
Gwen ( herald at steppes.ansteorra.org ). I thank you, my Lady thanks you, Her Highness thanks


Sir Lochlan Dunn
Deputy to the office of the Okenwald Pursuivant

Please send requests to herald at steppes.ansteorra.org


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