[ANSTHRLD] Fwd: PDF version of the latest Rules Draft available for commentary

Jennifer Smith jds at randomgang.com
Wed Jun 8 15:46:48 PDT 2011

FYI!  Please do read the below, and take a gander at the new proposed Rules
for Submission. Yes, they are much longer than the current set, but that's
because the new set includes a great deal of explanation and more examples.
 We are especially wanting feedback from newer heralds, and those that
consider themselves non-heralds. Is this easy to follow, to understand, to
use? Do you have any specific questions about one bit or another? Does
anything seem contradictory or could be explained in a better fashion? And
so on.

As the message below states, those who cannot comment on OSCAR can email
their comments directly to Marie, Palimpsest Herald, at
rules at heraldry.sca.org.

These are the rules I hope to be enforcing soon, so they'd better be good


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marie de Blois <erminespot at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:20 PM
Subject: PDF version of the latest Rules Draft available for commentary
To: SCAHRLDS at listserv.aol.com

Hiya folks!

I've updated the Rules Letters' headers, but since that's a nearly
invisible change that's easy to miss, I wanted to let folks know that
the PDF version of the latest Rules Draft is now available on the
Laurel website at the URL listed in the Rules Letters.  It's at:

(yes, the two years don't match.  we've been talking about these rules
for quite a while now, and we're not quite done yet.)

Please forward this around appropriately.  I do appreciate all the
folks who have commented so far, and I do hope to see commentary from
more folks throughout the commentary period.

For anyone who wants to see what the tables look like, or what the
intended formatting looks like, or finds it simply easier to print out
and read, the PDF version should help with that.  In general,
commentary should still be posted in the appropriate sections of
OSCAR; anyone who doesn't have that access can email commentary to me
at rules at heraldry.sca.org and I'll post them to OSCAR.

If you really like doing the fine-grain proofreading stuff and prefer
an RTF document to mark up, please contact me privately.


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