[ANSTHRLD] animal costuming (was: incredibly random. . .)

Coblaith Muimnech Coblaith at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 2 16:17:44 PST 2011

Castellana Donea wrote:
> In anyone's readings has anyone come across an example of people  
> dressing up as animals for pageantry or ceremonies in period?  (I  
> am looking more for western European examples.)

I've attached thumbnail excerpts from bas de page illustrations on  
folios 21v, 70r, 110r, and 117r of Bodleian MS 264, painted in  
Flanders between 1338 and 1344.  There might be more examples between  
folios 173r and 208r; I haven't indexed those, yet.  Very large scans  
of these pages are available on the "Early Manuscripts at Oxford  
University" site <http://image.ox.ac.uk/show? 

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If the list strips the attachments, I'll send the images to you  

Coblaith Muimnech
<mailto:Coblaith at sbcglobal.net>

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