[ANSTHRLD] [Gazette] Ansteorran Gazette August 2012

Obelisk Herald obelisk at herald.ansteorra.org
Mon Aug 6 07:10:25 PDT 2012

Ansteorran Gazette for August 2012


Greetings unto the College!

Ansteorran Heraldic & Scribal Symposium is coming up fast. If you want
to teach please contact either of the class coordinators. If you're
having any trouble getting in touch with them please contact me and
I'll do what I can to facilitate that. I am pleased to announce that
Lord Goldweard of St. Golias will be taking on the post of Arbalest
Herald, which is responsible for Submitter notifications.

The Asterisk transition should be complete by this point and any
submissions packets need to go to Adalia. If you need her contact
information she can be reached at asterisk at herald.ansteorra.org

The office of Solstice Herald (Southern Region) will be opening for
applications soon. If you're interested in that office, please contact
myself or the Solstice Herald and we can fill you in on it's duties.
Also, a decision on the new Eclipse Herald should be incoming soon.

I'll be sending out information on the new awards Their Majesties
created at Steppes Artisan under separate cover here shortly.

In service,


Status of ILoIs

ILoI 2012-01: Commentary closed February 2012.
LoI 2012-02. Laurel meeting May. LoAR published.

ILoI 2012-02: Commentary closed March 2012.
LoI 2012-03. Laurel meeting June. LoAR published.

ILoI 2012-03: Comments closed April 10,  2012.
LoI 2012-04. Laurel meeting July. Pending LoAR publication.

ILoI 2011-04: Comments closed May 10,  2012.
LoI 2012-05. Laurel meeting August.

ILoI 2011-05: Comments closed June 10,  2012.
LoI 2012-06. Laurel meeting September.

ILoI 2011-06: Comments closed July 10,  2012.
LoI 2012-07. Laurel meeting October.

ILoI 2011-07: Comments due August 10,  2012.
Decision meeting and LoI August.

ILoI 2011-08: Comments due September 10,  2012.
Decision meeting and LoI September.

Upcoming Meetings:

* August 18th - Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal Symposium
* August 18th - Decision Meeting (2012-07 ILoI) @ AHSS, Rosenfeld 
(Tyler, TX)
* September 15th - Decision Meeting (2012-07 ILoI) @ TBD
* October 20th - Decision Meeting (2012-08 ILoI) @ TBD

Internal Letter of Intent 2012-08

1: Alaric Styrr - Resub Device
2: Alys Durivau - New Badge
3: Alys Durivau - New Badge
4: Alys Durivau - New Augmentation of Arms
5: Andreas von Meissen - New Badge
6: Barony of Elfsea - New Badge
7: Barony of Wiesenfeuer - New Badge
8: Béatriz du Chesne - New Name & New Device
9: Bèatriz du Chesne - New Badge
10: Biau-Douz de la Mere - New Name
11: Cathal Finn O Briain - New Badge
12: Ekaterina Ivanova - Resub Device
13: Elspeth de Stervlen - New Badge
14: Gerhart Wolfgang der Rote - Resub Device
15: Henry of Westbrook - New Name
16: Katrine la Escolpiera - New Device
17: Kira no Takuan - New Name & New Device
18: Miklos Nemeth - New Name & New Device
19: Rene Damours - New Name
20: Vilhjálmr Einarsson - New Name & New Device
21: Vyolante Drago do Porto - Resub Badge

ILoI 2012-08 can be found here:

Internal Letter of Decision 2012-06

Administrative Actions

Forwarded to Laurel

1: Ansteorra, Kingdom of - New Order Name (Award of the Sable Sparrow of 
2: Ansteorra, Kingdom of - New Order Name (Award of the Sable Flur of 

Returned for further work.
June 2012 Internal Letter of Intent

Forwarded to Laurel

1: Amalric Schade - New Name
2: Eric Bentbow - New Household Name & New Badge
3: Franziska von Lockenitz - New Name
4: Katerinka Ikonnikova - New Name
5: Madylyne Taylor - New Device
6: Paladin di Vincenzo - New Name
7: Ragnarr Karlsson í Biarkey - New Name
8: Simona della Luna - New Device
9: Theresa of Bordermarch - New Name
10: Thomas Elwyn - New Badge
11: Victorio Rafael de la Guerra y de la Paz - Resub Device
12: Vǫlu-Helena in flamska - New Name

Returned for further work

1: Adelaide Dewy - Resub Device
2: Donnchadh mac Domhnall - New Name
3: Ragnarr Karlsson í Biarkey - New Device
4: Theresa of Bordermarch - New Name & New Device
5: Thomas Elwyn - New Device

Full letter and text of decision can be found here:

Internal Collated Commentary 2012-06 can be found here:

The external Letter of Intent for July 2012 can be found here:

A list of items currently in progress can be found here:

Further details on the status of items at Laurel can be found here:

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