[ANSTHRLD] Northkeep Winterkingdom & Bryn Gwlad Candlemas classes

Jennifer Smith jds at randomgang.com
Tue Jan 24 11:48:39 PST 2012


This weekend I will be at Northkeep's Winterkingdom (
http://northkeep.ansteorra.org/WinterKingdom09/index.html), teaching three

Next weekend I will be at Bryn Gwlad's Candlemas (
https://sites.google.com/site/candlemas2012/), teaching the same three
classes, plus a Wreath Roadshow.

Please come! The classes are as follows:

Heraldry 101: Picking & Documenting a Name (using the New Rules!)
Heraldry 101: Armory Design & Style (with mention of the New Rules!)
Heraldry 201: Basis & Basics of Armory Conflict (using the New Rules!)

All are primarily aimed at non-heralds and novice heralds, although
certainly the more, ah, seasoned heralds will likely get something out of
each class as well!  The last class does assume some knowledge of blazon
and general armory design principles, but I think a non-herald could follow
it pretty well.


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