[ANSTHRLD] September's Letter from Star

Andrewe Bawldwyn kingdom at herald.ansteorra.org
Sat Aug 31 14:22:45 PDT 2013

Greetings unto the College of Heralds!

Congratulations go out to Master Alden Drake, who was given membership into
the Order of the Pelican at Laurel's Prize Tournament! Master Alden has
been a longtime member and worker in the College, and I am delighted to
congratulate Him on his accomplishment!

This month really kicks off the fall tournament season. Please consider
lending your voice to our tournament fields, bringing out all your heraldic
display items, and helping out new folks with getting their names and
devices registered.

Applications are opening for the office of Sable Crane pursuivant. Sable
Crane is the officer responsible for maintaining our registry of
Achievements. Applications will be open from September 1 until Oct 31 and
should be sent to Zodiacus with a courtesy copy to the current Sable Crane.
Please inquire with those two officers if you have questions about the

Regarding achievements: I am planning on holding a "round-table" discussion
on our achievements practices at Coronation this month. If you're
attending, please get in touch with me if you are interested in sharing
your thoughts.

Applications for Star are still open through the end of the month, and
should be sent to the Crown, Coronet, myself, and Laurel; The selection
process will be at the pleasure of Their Highnesses. Please contact me with
any questions.

I will be attending War of Ages and Coronation this month, as well as Bryn
Gwlad Baronial in October. Please seek me out and say hello!

I remain in service,


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