HERB - Charlemagne's list

Gaylin Walli g.walli at infoengine.com
Thu Jun 4 06:55:42 PDT 1998

>16. squill ?

Perhaps Urginea maritima, of the Lily family. It's sometimes also
called sea onion in my references. According to the dictionary
(Merriam Webster's Collegiate) "the dried sliced bulb scales of a
squill used as an expectorant, cardiac stimulant, and diuretic."

> 26. rocket?

I agree that this is probably Dame's Rocket, although it could refer
to any number of plants in the mustard family, possibly even arugula.

>34. savin?

Fiona Maclachlan suggests "Savin" is similar to the French word for soap
- I think it's "savon"..this might be a reference to soapwort." But I'm
not so sure.  Savin is also another name for European juniper "Juniperus

> 38 dittander?

Most likely Dittany of Crete. Origanum dictamnus.

>54. orach?

I would guess this might refer to pretty much anything from the
Atriplex genus of the goosefoot family.

>77. service?

I would guess this is most likely a tree called Sorbus domestica,
which resembles our American Mountain Ash. Supposedly it had
edible fruit. But I also have a reference to Sorbus torminalis which
had bitter fruit and was called "service."

>78. medlar?

I think this is Mespilus germanica, but don't quote me. It's
a tree from Europe (actually Eurasia, I think) and a member of
the rose family. The fruit looks a bit like a crab apple.

Foo. I feel very outclassed here. You guys make me work to find
these definitions and the vast majority of them I'm not all that
sure of. :) Surely someone has translated Charlegmagne's list into
modern English?

Jasmine de Cordoba, Midrealm
g.walli at infoengine.com or jasmine at infoengine.com

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