HERB - nep, mallow, skirrets--

RAISYA@aol.com RAISYA at aol.com
Thu Jun 11 10:19:37 PDT 1998


>Nep was sometimes catnip. Don't know why.

Ooops, I think I was thinking of the word "neep", which now that I think of it
was Scottish, I think.  Thanks for catching that <G>.

>French mallows are curly mallows--Gerard says 
>they are the only ones with any taste, and they
>are still offered sometimes by herb speciality
>seed companies. 

Thanks, that does help a lot!

Galveston?  Wow, you're going to be close by, maybe an hour and a half away!
Any chance you'll still be here next weekend?  We're having King's College
June 20th,  east of Houston, probably within an hour of where you'll be <G>.

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