HERB - herbs of the week

N.D. Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Jun 30 10:20:17 PDT 1998

 Strangely enough, that sounds very modern.... I might see what I can find
as well.  I read somewhere that they had several types of basil.  They had
the regular sweet basil and a very small leafed (similar to the Genovese
type).  I also read that they had a lemon basil, I think...
I haven't checked through my stuff. But I think I'll check.  I know that
the Pre-Raphaelite painting, "Isabella and the Pot of Basil" is based on a
medieval legend.  Seems like a young woman's boyfriend was murdered and she
buried his head in a pot of basil so that she could be close to him... The
paintings cool....  I'll see what else I can find.

I subscribed to a farm this spring and they sent me some lime basil.  What
a wonderful smell.
It was incredible.


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