HERB - Herbal Pest Repellants

ND Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Tue May 5 12:39:53 PDT 1998

>d'limonene is an interesting substance. I use a bottle of the pure stuff
>at work to clean hard rubber rollers and to removed baked on copier toner
>from steel plate.  If it gets on certain types of plastic ( I think
>polystyrene) it melts it.
>Think about that the next time you are eating an orange!

There is an art substance called GRUMTEEN that is used as a cleaning
solution...It has a highly pungent orange smell.  I have used it not only
for cleaning art substances but for cleaning the hood over the stove Let me
tell you... it's extremely pungent to the point of being sickening.  I use
it in highly ventilated areas.  I would suggest that some aromatherapy
and/or essential oils also be treated in the same way. Several people I
know while not actively alergic to orange and other citrus oils have
reactions to the concentrated scent and active ingredients...


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