HERB - Moths, spiders, etc

Sara Harless evaine at glenmar.com
Thu May 7 11:25:14 PDT 1998

On Fri, 8 May 1998, ND Wederstrandt wrote:

> Are you talking about horse apples/ bois d'arc fruit?  It's supposed to be
> a good remeby to throw them under your bed to rid yourself of fleas and bed
> bugs.... There's a big tree that drops fruit near my house. I've thought
> about trying it.  Someone said that bois d'arc chips gets rids of pests as
> well.
> Clare

Could be. I speak with a Hoosier accent. These hedge apples are about the 
size of a grapefruit, with yellow bumpy rinds. The rind was textured like 
the oranges with thick rinds, not smoothe. They made horrid noises in the 
lawn mower if I hit one. The trees they fell from were very similar in 
shape and size to the mulberry trees in back of the school. Oh, and the 
mulberries made wonderful jelly, jams, and pies. They were good eating 
"as is" as soon as they ripened from red to dark red/blue/brown.

I wish I could be more specific but I had no interest in plants and 
botony until my daughter became a vegetarian and my arthritis progressed 
from minor nuisance to "you can't scout at war anymore". I'll see if I 
can get something more specific from a forestry-major friend next week.
Gads, do I have a lot to learn!

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