HERB - ephedra

Carol Ross courtanvaux at geocities.com
Tue May 12 11:42:45 PDT 1998

>Something to keep in mind with regards to ephedra and its use
>in medication. Ephedrine extracted from the plant parts leaves out
>important balancing chemicals. Taking an antihistamine or remedy with
>extracted ephedrines or pseudo ephedrines is not the same thing
>as consuming the plant as a whole. Media hoopla has neglected to
>say anything about this fact.
>Jasmine de Cordoba, midrealm

Being new to the whole world of herbalism I have to admit my ignorance about
your statement above. Just what do you mean by balancing chemicals? What is
the difference between consuming the plant as a whole compared with
consuming extracts? Thanks.

Genevieve de Courtanvaux

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