HERB - Black-balling 'Natural Remedies'

Keith E. Brandt, M.D. wd9get at amsat.org
Fri May 29 09:34:52 PDT 1998

>I don't usually read Natural Remedies, but could you give me some
>examples? I don't mean to doubt, but cannot just go boycotting someones'
>magazine with justification. :)
>Niamh ni donall, House Gideal
>m.k.a. Julie Levitt

Very wise! One I've already mentioned, in a section discussing herbal
alternatives to prescription drugs, they recommend Echinacea to replace
Amoxicillin stating "inhibits viruses such as influenza and herpes".
Amoxicillin has no effect against viruses (which they do mention).
Echinacea is a general immune enhancer. Looks like they are comparing
apples and oranges, because if you have an infection requiring an
antibiotic, Echinacea might be helpful, but not bactericidal. The way this
section is written is more misleading and confusing than actually wrong. 
They are wrong, however, when they state echinacea is contraindicated for
individuals with a weakened immune system. This is a group in which it is
helpful. There is some theoretical concern in individuals with hyperactive
immune systems, such conditions such as Lupus and MS. 

The other big error I found was in an article on herb-drug interactions.
Under 'Herbal laxatives', they state "when low potassium levels combine
with digoxin or popular blood pressure drugs like Inderal which contain
diuretics..." Inderal is a beta blocker, with no diuretic effects. It is
often combined with a diuretic as first-line BP control, but it is not a
diuretic in-and-of itself. 

After that, I stopped reading. I just can't trust them.

Good periodicals: Herbalgram, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine,
Herbs for Health. These are all available in bookstores locally (at least
here in San Antonio. We have a Barnes and Nobles with an excellent magazine

Keith E. Brandt, MD, WD9GET     || Goodbye, cruel world that was my home-
 Resident in Aerospace Medicine ||    there's cleaner space out here to roam.
San Antonio, TX                 || Put my feet up on the moons of Mars-
wd9get at amsat.org                ||    sit back, relax, and count the stars. 
http://www.dca.net/~brandt      || 
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