HERB - Resins

N.D.Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Nov 3 13:10:59 PST 1998

Not necessarily.  Different grades of frankincense are different colors.
Ethiopean frankincense is a very bright golden yellow and is getting harder
to find because the wars over in the Middle East have caused the groves to
be burnt.  Arabian frankincense is a mixture and can range from dull gold
with bright yellow bits to darkish brown....   Indian frankincense is the
darkest and is the most common.... It often  is cut with other types of
resins.  I have an Organic Chemistry Manual that explains the types but it
is at home and this week I'm been off list dealing with Laurel's Prize
Tourney.  The difference I have always found is that myrrh is darker and
has a very bitter taste to it.  Frankincense is less bitter and even the
dark is not as dark as myrrh.  Smell wise - myrrh always has a bitter edge
to it.

BTW, ethiopean has the cleanest and brightest scent to it....It is also the

I'll dig out the book and go through the descriptions.....


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