HERB - soap and the Mappae Clavicula

Gaylin Walli g.walli at infoengine.com
Tue Nov 24 06:54:30 PST 1998

Melandra of the Woods asked:
>All of them, of course.  Is your one bar recipie different from the one I
>posted? What is your source?

Actually, the recipe I have is NOT the one you posted, however,
I do have that one and have made it. I'm not a big fan of all
tallow soap though because the sudsing action is little to none
and the soap tends to clog my pours (YMMV). I usually do test
bars of oils I can commonly find in my local grocery or health
food store. And sometimes combinations of those oils make
interesting bars as well. For the most part, the test bars I
made are just meant to see how well the oils combine or to test
how a scent or addition (like pumice or meal or flowers) puts
up with the heat of the saponification process.

I'll post my simple recipes sometime before noon and see what
else I can come up with. I assume I don't need to post the
instructions for actually making soap since they've been posted
and many people already know a bit about it? Just let me know.

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