HERB - Address

RAISYA@aol.com RAISYA at aol.com
Sun Oct 11 21:28:18 PDT 1998

On Saturday, at Namron Protectorate (Norman, Oklahoma), I was approached by a
lady from Calontir with questions on some of my gardening sources.  We chatted
for a few minutes, but unfortunately I had people waiting for me, and I didn't
have paper to write out my address for her.  She said she believed that
someone from her group was subscribed to the herbalist.

I'm afraid I didn't get her name, but she mentioned that they were in the
process of forming an herbalist guild, I'm not sure if this was a local or
kingdom guild.  She's interested in period apple trees, and I believe she was
travelling with her husband who does Opus Anglicanum embroidery and maybe with
a Calontir laurel?  If this sounds familiar to anyone, please e-mail me
privately, I'd really like to help her out.


Raisya Khorivovna
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