HERB - "Hortulus" - "Gourd" - Long post

sunshinegirl sunshinegirl at steward-net.com
Mon Sep 21 22:29:51 PDT 1998

> From: nweders at mail.utexas.edu
> To: herbalist at Ansteorra.ORG
> I can paw around the piles *sigh* and find it some where.  I got a great
> set of dipper gourds (straight handles and such)

I'd like the info when you get it.  I have directions on turning a gourd
into a banjo, and I thought I'd try it sometime.  It takes a large dipper
> On another note do you make cheese from you goats?  What kind do you

They are actually my father's goats ( I live next door)
He has Nubians.  We are currently only milking one goat, but she gives up
to 1/2 gallon per day, so I have started making cheese in self defense (Its
better than feeding it to the animals - they get the whey as it is)
The basic process is pretty easy.  My only problem is is that I'm not
consistent enough to be able to consistently make the same type.  I'm
slowly learning the differences in how long it sets and/or warms to make
the best cottage or pressed cheese.  So far, I have not tried to age any. 
We've just eaten it pretty fresh. If you'd like basic directions, I'll be
happy to post them.

Melandra of the Woods

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