HERB - Re: Dioscorides

Gaylin Walli g.walli at infoengine.com
Thu Sep 24 09:30:22 PDT 1998

Clare asked:

>BTW, I am not good in language -- how does one pronounce Dioscorides.

Neither am I, but slowly and distinctly usually works best. No
joke. Don't worry about which syllable gets the accent. People
will probably tell you different things and then argue. :)

>I assume its Dee-o scor- i-des  but it could easily be Dee os-cor i-des.
>Like I said I'm not good at pronunciation.

Neither, I think. Oddly enough, none of my dictionaries have the
exact entry, but putting together pieces from similar words, I


Someone else may actually have a REAL dictionary. The two here
at work and every single one I look in online are LAME. Even my OED
access doesn't have it (*&$#!).


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