HERB - Woad questions

Christine A Seelye-King mermayde at juno.com
Thu Apr 29 06:28:15 PDT 1999

I actually think that Colorado is one of the states with prohibitions
against groing woad, so keep an eye on it!  It does seed profusely, but
they hang on pretty well, too, so it isn't a hardship to let it go to
seed and gather them.  HOWEVER, if you do that, you will have woad seeds
for the entire next millenium, so be warned.  The plants also suck up
nitrogen from the soil, so keep that in mind if they are planted close to
anything else.  They are bi-annual, they will be spindly and small the
first year, and really take off the second, seed, and then die.  They
grow about 3 - 4 feet tall, and are not really very attractive plants,
even in full (yellow) flower.  I did not process it for dye, I get mine
already done from Baroness Megan (Limner's Guild) and used the plant (and
pictures of it) for my Woad Painting booth at the Celtic Festival.  
A word about the supposed 'hallucenogenic' qualities of woad, it's never
been proved.  I have known people to smear themselves head to toe with
woad, and not get the desired effect.  I personally believe that the
mythos surrounding that had to do with warriors painting themselves with
it to get themselves whipped into a frenzy for battle.  I suspect that
the local druid's or war leader's rousing pre-battle pep talks had more
to do with that than any body paint.  
	Good luck, and keep an eye on that stuff!

PS, if you haven't seen it, try the Woad web site, who's address I'm not
sure of, but the lady's name that maintains it is Rowan.

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