HERB - Herbal Soap Scents

DianaFiona@aol.com DianaFiona at aol.com
Mon Dec 13 02:13:05 PST 1999

In a message dated 12/12/99 6:43:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
meaduewolf at juno.com writes:

<< From what we (my new husband and I) read during our soap research, one 
 >shouldn't use the Fragrance Oils in soap. We just made soap Friday 
 >(our first time) and we used cinnamon and lavender Essential Oils. 
 >together - different molds.) We accidentally got more lavender oil in 
 >we had planned on, and it has REALLY made a difference - the cinnamon 
 >is pretty much solid, the lavender is still liquid! We also goofed and 
 >measured the canola oil by volume, not by weight. :)
 >Lady Katerine Rowley
    While, from what I've read, both fragrance and essential oils *can* have 
an effect on soap and can cause problems, I think in this case you may be 
seeing the effects of the canola oil measurement instead. Most essential oils 
are generally relatively safe to use as additives, and lavender in particular 
I've never read of any ill effects from. I certainly haven't encountered any, 
myself--but then, I always wait to add scents, etc., until I rebatch my soap, 
    For what it's worth, a lot of folks on a soap forum I read occasionally 
seem to recommend using the fragrance oils from Sweet Cakes (Sweet<A 
HREF="http://www.sweetcakes.com/"> Cakes Soapmaking Supplies</A> , 
http://www.sweetcakes.com/), because the owner tests all the scents for 
compatibility with soap herself before adding them to the inventory. So they 
should be fairly safe to use, if you wish. I think some of the other supply 
companies also check out their oils as well, so hunt around if you want to 
use some of them, to see what the company in question does.

                Ldy Diana, fretting over whether her batch of 
Lavender/Oatmeal soap will dry in time to give out for gifts..............
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