HERB - Swedish and Anogstura bitters origins

Gaylin Walli gwalli at infoengine.com
Tue Feb 9 14:45:38 PST 1999

One last thing. I was able to find a supposed excerpt from the
manuscript. I quoted this source:

>Swedish Bitters [at http://www.herbalsupplies.com.au/sbitters.htm ]
>"Paracelsus, father of modern medicine, in the 16th Century, but
>the recipe disappeared a few years after his death. It stayed
>lost for several hundred years, probably existing in the diaries
>and medicinal recipes of the learned. One of the people who
>wrote it down was a Swedish physician, Dr Claus Samst. It was
>only after his death at the age of 104, as the result of a
>fall from a horse which he had been in the habit of riding daily,
>that the recipe was re-discovered. Even then it kept a low
>profile until it came to the attention of Maria Treben who
>included it in her book, Health Through God's Pharmacy."

I found an excerpt claiming to be that source here:


It sort of reads like the bottle of Dr. Bronner's in a way. I'd
like to see the Paracelcus version, myself. But maybe that's just
because I'm a born skeptic who likes to see primary documentation.


Jasmine, jasmine at infoengien.com
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