HERB - Clove Gillyflowers

Roberta R Comstock froggestow at juno.com
Sun Feb 21 22:18:25 PST 1999

Herb walks with wild plant identification (native and feral) are one of
the things I really love to do/teach.  I'll be doing one in Ames IA at
the Calontir RUSH session in late April.  I usually schedule for 2 hours
late in the class day and then anyone who isn't ready to quit can just
tag along until we get tired or run out of new plants to look at.  

I'll probably do a couple at the Lilies War in mid-June (Smithville Lake,

I live in the Kansas City, MO, area, but get down to Fayetteville every
once in a while.  I would consider  going elsewhere if there's enough
interest to make it worthwhile.


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