HERB - Clove Gillyflowers

N.D. Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Mon Feb 22 05:43:53 PST 1999

>>It's dianthus.
>You know, I've been trying to figure out the modern name for that for months!

	Dianthus do really well in cooler weather in Ansteorra.  The single
pepto-bismal pink ones have a fairly pleasant smell.  I have grown them and
tey do well in the ground and in containers.....

Magdalena - they are easy to find.  "Gardens" on 38 by Mo-Pac have really
nice selections of them and sometimes carries older varieties.

There is a company (southern Seed Exchange, I think) that carry dianthus
varieties they can document from the 17th Century.  I was amazed.
Somewhere at home I have a catalog with the address and such... I 'll look


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