HERB - Standard floral depictions in illumination?

Rhiannon Meaduewolf meaduewolf at juno.com
Thu Jan 7 14:21:25 PST 1999


Since I am apprenticed in floral design I am very interested in what
books these were.
Could you please tell me?
I've been trying to find out what all may have been used in the
arrangements to hold the flowers in place if anything. Of course we could
*say* mud, sand, rocks, etc. But I have not been able to prove of any of

Please write to me privately so as not to use up the list's band width if
you would?

Many thanks
"Is this real life, or is it a fantasy?"
On Thu, 7 Jan 1999 15:51:07 -0500 (EST) Jenne Heise
<jenne at tulgey.browser.net> writes:
>Long introduction to the question:
>Yesterday, I had an epiphany of sorts. I had spent the part of the
>afternoon looking through the three medieval books of hours our 
>Collections department has, choosing pages to photograph for a 
>exhibition. One of these volumes has sprays of flowers depicted 
>from each illumnated capital, into the margin. We were epecially taken 
>some red flowers...

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