HERB - SC: OOP & OT - Robins' home and essential oil

Jay H. Chamlee jaychamlee at eudoramail.com
Fri Jan 29 09:22:09 PST 1999

 In relation to ribins, I live in sout eastern Colorado, and we get them in the early spring, and are blessed with them until middle autumn.

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999 20:16:00   John/Jane Sellers wrote:
>In reply to the question about where robins summer....I live in
>Atlantia...North Carolina to be specific, and we have robins all summer!
>Sine ni Dheaghaidh
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Carl/Anne Adamczyk <ladygrania at juno.com>
>To: herbalist at Ansteorra.ORG <herbalist at Ansteorra.ORG>
>Date: Thursday, January 28, 1999 8:01 PM
>Subject: Re: HERB - SC: OOP & OT - Robins' home and essential oil
>>We enjoy the company of robins from spring through the fall.  We are in
>>East Kingdom.
>>On Thu, 28 Jan 1999 16:37:34 -0600 Mike and Pat Luco <mikel at pdq.net>
>>>I have a non-herbal question:
>>>I was wondering who on this list has robins during the summer?  They
>>>are all
>>>over the place here turning over leaves looking for bugs and such.  I
>>>enjoy our
>>>winter friends and was just wondering who keeps them in the summer?
>>>Henri and Antea
>>>Kingdom of Ansteorra, Barony Stargate
>>>Purveyors of fine herbs and spices
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