Fw: HERB - oak moss

Katherine Blackthorne kblackthorne at midtown.net
Mon Jul 12 19:30:58 PDT 1999

Moss/lichen being removed from a tree is usually *good* for the tree.
These things give off secretions that etch into whatever surface they're on
and give them something to "hang on" to.  Fine for stone, bad for trees.
Unlike mistletoe or ivy, however, it is not likely to kill a healthy tree.


>I was taught to just pull it off. Dry it ut some before consuming, unless
>you really are hungry *Gods do I know that one* It shouldn;t harm the tree.
>>From: "Carper, Rachel" <Rachel.Carper at COMPAQ.com>
>>Reply-To: herbalist at Ansteorra.ORG
>>To: "'herbalist at Ansteorra.ORG'" <herbalist at Ansteorra.ORG>
>>Subject: RE: Fw: HERB - oak moss
>>Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 17:06:29 -0500
>>Wonderful! We just bought a new house with the Maid, Mother, Crone out
>>front. And the mother is covered in green lichen. Is there any special way
>>to harvest it? And will it hurt the tree if I do harvest? Or if I don't?
>>Jumping up and down and singing the happy song.
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