HERB - statement of purpose

N.D. Wederstrandt nweders at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Jun 8 06:11:01 PDT 1999

Good Morning,

For those who are on this list and are fairly new let me welcome you.  this
list was originally set up for the Kingdom of Ansteorra as a means for
herbalists within our Kingdom to dicuss and get to know each other.  It
rapidly exceeded it's original purpose and became a vehicle for herbalists
and people who are interested in gardening, healing, and wortcunning, as it
which was a happy growth.

 It is hopefull administered with an open hand and with little control over
subject and content manner.  I believe I have asked one time for a subject
to be changed due to content.

 As list administrator it is often tempting to tell people to quit doing
things you personally don't like.  (sometimes very hard )  *grin*  but it
has been a learning experience.   I will be making some minor adjustments
to some of the parts of the list.  If any of you have any problems or any
questions please contact me privately.

Thank you,

Clare Rosmuire St. John, OL, OP, Baroness
list administrator

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