HERB - shoes and my feet

Warren & Meredith Harmon corwynsca at juno.com
Mon Mar 29 21:53:44 PST 1999


While we're on the subject, is there any herb that can be tossed in with
epsom salts for a decent foot bath?  It seems the older I get, the more
my feet want to curl into permanent balls...


>Now, just to keep this on an herb related note, what would be the best
>kind of herbal foot soak for something like this? Peppermint and salt
>water? I still have minor cramps from all the standing, even though
>it's now the Monday after. Without someone to give me the foot rub
>I so desperately crave, I was just thinking of a lovely soak. Other
>herb options would be welcomed and my brain is shying away from
>anything that looks like food... :)

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