HERB - Period poisons

Roberta R Comstock froggestow at juno.com
Mon May 17 14:03:53 PDT 1999

The maid who put on the supposedly poisoned gown walked around for a few
minutes, then displayed a few seconds of panic and discomfort, then fell

I am not aware of any poison that kills instantly (or nearly so) on
contact.  Most contact poisons require prolonged and/or repeated
exposures.  Most result in chronic symptoms, some of which are
irreversible, even after exposure stops, because of damage to vital
organs, such as liver and kidneys.  

Even deadly ingested poisons take a significant amount of time to kill a
person, and they usually have several obvious symptoms such as
convulsions, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory problems similar to an acute
asthma attack, salivation, muscular weakness, paralysis, fever, or
(There may well be multiple not-so-obvious symptoms that can be found by
clinical tests, or autopsy.)

Saber, I understand your concern about intentional misuse of poisonous
things, but I am much more concerned about the accidental poisonings that
occur as a result of ignorance.   I have known may people who suffered
needlessly (Not fatally, though) because they did not have adequate
information about the possible adverse effects of plants they were using
or playing with.


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