HERB - lilac

Roberta R Comstock froggestow at juno.com
Thu May 20 15:37:29 PDT 1999

The common lilac (_Syringia vulgaris_) is native to lands in the Eastern
Mediterranean region - the Balkans, Turkey, Persia - hence Persian Lilac.
 I think French lilac is probably a variety rather than a distinct
species.   They were introduced to western Europe very late in the SCA
period.    Blossoms can be purple (several shades from lavender to royal
and in between), or white.  We have a hedge of purple lilacs across half
of our back yard.  They were magnificent this year.  The scent is
heavenly!  The most exotic lilac I've encountered is the Siberian one
(_Syringea sp - don't have the latin species name handy) which has fuzzy
leaves and pink blossoms, but the same scent.   
I believe there are lilac scented toiletries available from Crabtree &
Evelyn, and probably several other manufacturers.  Or check with your
favorite purveyer of essential oils.  


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