HERB - Poison Ivy help

Roberta R Comstock froggestow at juno.com
Fri May 21 07:57:33 PDT 1999

>I don't have anything to prevent them, but when I was a kid 40 
>something years ago, my Mom would put clear finger nail polish on them 
>to smother the little bas.......er .... critters. Yea thats it critters.
>It does work if you put on about 3 layers and make sure that it 
>extends outside the red area.

I'll never forget the first time we got chiggers.  My folks & I & my
little brother had just moved to Manhattan KS (we never had them in
Nebraska).  Went to a picnic, sat on the ground, got dozens of them. 
Daddy found out about nail polish from his co-workers at Ft. Riley, but
the only polish Mother had was bright red.  She decided to tough it out
rather than get painted with red polish, but the rest of us stripped down
& she painted us.  We went dancing around and whooping because of the

>Anyone have anything better besides the Chiggerex?  
>I always had those darn things!

Chigger-Tox is pretty good.  These days I usually just alternate
Rhuli-Gel and Benedryl spray.  (Plus oral antihistimine if the itching is
really bad.)  That's also what seems to work best to control the itching
of PI.

>Oh I'm starting to itch a bit more tonight from the ivy. Was exposed 
>Sunday.  It takes this long?
>Ooh ooh itch itch. Don't scratch. Don't scratch

I got hit by a stealth poison ivy attack last month, somewhere in my own
back yard.  (Birds distribute the seeds in their droppings.)  Didn't
think I had been anywhere near it.  It started with 2 blisters on one
arm, just above the wrist.  
A day and a half later it broke out on my right cheek, and on the left
cheek and hand the day after that.  I had already changed the bedding and
towels as soon as I got the original blisters.  When I was still breaking
out a week later (between fingers), I saw my doctor and he prescribed
prednisone.  That's been nearly a month and I still have a scabby place
on one hand.

The more exposures you have to poison ivy, the worse the episodes become.

Even people who don't react to PI should try to avoid it, because they
can become sensitive without warning.


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