HERB - Poison Ivy help

Warren & Meredith Harmon corwynsca at juno.com
Fri May 21 13:28:53 PDT 1999


Are you sure this is poison ivy?  With blisters that big, I'd suspect
blister beetles first.

Something else I remembered from that poison ivy article: poison ivy is a
two-stage  [oh, what's the word?  All I can think of is "infestation"! 
:-(]  The same piece of skin has to be hit twice by the oil to cause the
blister reaction.

I agree with the smoke - that's how my mom always gets it, and she gets
it *bad*.  The only time I got it in my throat and eyes I got it wy
walking through ivy smoke.  That was a miserable month...

Also, the plantain is good for insect bites and heat rashes.  That's what
I use as on-the-scene first aid at Ren Faire.  Boy, the looks I get!  But
does it work well, especially on those huge gnat bites!  We call it
"heal-all" here - is that supposed to be a different plant?

>Please describe the plant.  My husband has blisters the size of his 
>Yes he did go to the doctor, I don't have much confidence in the 
>doctor, he 
>said the ooze wouldn't pass on the ivy.  Husband is on steriods, but 
>the itch 
>is driving him nuts.
>Jeanne de La Mer
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