HERB - Re: herbalist V1 #269

MTR/AAHR wolffe at onslowonline.net
Wed May 26 17:23:18 PDT 1999

There is a plant called the Red Tip, or Red Top. The tips of the branches,
where the new leaves come out in spring are a distinct red color, over the
summer, they fade to green, and repeat the process every spring. It does
look quite similer to Lilac. I too have never heard of a Red leafed lilac.
P.S. One other thing, anyone want Catmint shoots and Chocolate Mint shoots?
I'd be happy to mail them to you! The Chocolate mint was a gift from across
country, the Catmint hand grown here in NC, but they are taking over my herb
garden. I'd rather give them away then dig them up and throw them away.

te: Tue, 25 May 1999 14:29:08 -0400
>From: "Gaylin Walli" <gwalli at infoengine.com>
>Subject: Re: HERB - OT: my moving is nearly complete
>Hertha sez:
>>If you give us a description of the 'red leaf' plant, maybe we can help
>>you figure out what it is.  Or do you already know?
>Actually, I found out who gifted me with it. Get this, it's a lilac. My
>sister-in-law, the botanist, dug it up at my husband's family's farm.
>Right now we're trying to guess the age of the original from old family
>photos. Turns out my mother-in-law misidentified it. That, or
>"red leaf plant" is a common name that I'd never heard used before.
>In any event, it's really quite touching that they've given me this little
>creature to plant in my yard. Thanks for the offer for help with
>identification, though!

>Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 16:54:55 -0500
>From: Roberta R Comstock <froggestow at juno.com>
>Subject: Re: HERB - OT: my moving is nearly complete
>I've never heard red-leaf as a name for lilac.
>It's really cool to have starts of family (or other) heirloom plants!
>Our lilac hedge starts were from one of Chidiock's co-workers, now
>deceased.  I also have grape-scented iris from the farm where my former
>mother-in-law grew up, and sansiveria that my great aunt started from a
>potted one I gave Grandma when I was in kindergarden.  I really should
>make a chart of the gift and trade plants in my yard and gardens.  The
>latest addition is a potted rosemary start from Mistress Agnes.

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