HERB - Herb wines, was Projects

Magdalena da Cadamosto brambleberry at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 8 22:50:35 PST 1999

>1/2 lb.  wheat

Wheat?  I was wondering what you were doing for body.  Hmmmm....  I may have 
to go experiment now.  ;>

>I've planted six more rosemary bushes this fall so maybe next spring I'll 
>have enough rosemary to try a wine of it.  I think I'll cut the amount of 
>herb I use since rosemary is so strong - suggestions anyone?

Well, you could cut the amount way down to a handful or so and leave the 
rosemary in your primary for a couple of weeks to a month.  That should give 
you enough flavor...  Rosemary and bay make a good combination in a mead 
done that way.


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