HERB - Moss eradication

Gaylin Walli gwalli at infoengine.com
Thu Sep 16 14:10:54 PDT 1999

Thea wrote:

>tried chlorine bleach and hot water (fumes! bleh ;( ) and found the best
>thing to be just scraping it off which takes more time than I have.
>Any suggestions??

You usually get rid of moss one of two ways: you kill it and remove
it or you remove it and make the area unhospitable for further
growth (sometimes you can kill it by making the area unhospitable,
but you'll usually still have to remove dead moss). Ultimately, while
you will be able to kill moss, it is unlikely you will be able to make it
disappear without manual intervention.

(1) Use something bigger than a putty knife. A manual edger worked
for me in the past, as did a drywall mud applicator, a fake sword,
and my neighbor's toy machette. And a whole lot of swearing.

(2) Find a small child you can enslave and convince to play a new
game: Don't Let the Evil Ooze Take Over.

(3) Increase the amount of light to the area with the moss. This may
involve trimming tree branches or setting up tin-foil-covered boards
or boxes to reflect light into the area.

(4) Make the area considerably drier. This may involve not water
things nearby and thus sacrificing them to the greater good.

(5) Use a "natural" mold and mildew remover from your local health
food store. Look for one that biodegrades in a few days.

Other people may have some better suggestions. These are just
things I've tried that usually work to some degree or another.
Hope this helps!

Iasmin de Cordoba, gwalli at infoengine.com

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