HERB - Book suggestion?

Mary Temple noxcat at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 17 13:22:44 PDT 1999

Foregive me for responding to such an old post.

I have a book at home (and of course, I'm NOT) that would be right up your 
alley. It's called "When Midwifery became the Physician's Province" (or 
something remarkably similar). I'll look at it this weekend and report back 
with some more accurate information.

Lady Katerine Rowley
Bryn Gwlad, Ansteorra
Mary K. Temple
Austin, Texas

>Hello list,
>I am a newbie here, and a former SCA member from 15 years ago coming back.
>My question is:
>What books do you suggest on the history of women healers and birth in the
>middle ages?
>If you are willing, tell me about your herbalist personas.
>I recently retired from being a homebirth midwife, and now I see my persona
>some sort of wise woman healer type.
>Wisdom from you wise women healer types accepted.
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