HERB - what I wish I'd had

Gaylin J. Walli gwalli at ptc.com
Mon Aug 21 13:10:58 PDT 2000

Katherine kindly responded to my statement

>>Baking soda or oatmeal. I wish I'd brought these for the people
>with unidentified rashes this year.

when she wrote:

>May I suggest corn starch?  Less abrasive than baking soda in a boot 
>or on a neck, but very soothing.

Actually, I wasn't aiming so much for the soothing quality
but the drawing quality of the baking soda and the cooling
quality of both that and the oatmeal. It's my understanding
that the cornstarch doesn't have the same properties to
draw away poison and heat as do baking soda and oatmeal.
Can you help update me on this? I may just be unaware of
the cornstarch qualities.


Iasmin de Cordoba
iasmin at home.com or gwalli at ptc.com
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