HERB - Advertisements

RAISYA@aol.com RAISYA at aol.com
Mon Aug 21 20:15:03 PDT 2000

I really hate to have to put on the list manager's hat and throw my weight 
around <G>, but here goes:

First - Sheepstealer said:
>Never do that to a mailing list I am on again.  It was Spam.

While I appreciate your feelings on this matter, I am the only one who can 
decide something was Spam.  I would ask that next time, you address your 
comments privately to me and allow me to make the judgement and take action, 
please?  Please keep in mind, this list has a history of courtesy and respect 
between the members, and I will act to keep it that way.

I take every possible action on the usual Spam, and very quickly, however, I 
have not restricted members of this list with SCA-herbal businesses from 
giving out contact info.   I feel this post falls into a grey area, a vendor 
whose product is within the topic of this list and is clearly intended for an 
SCA audience but who has not been an active participant of this list 
previously and has posted an _extended_ commercial.  In this case, I simply 
request that jodystea at csionline.net not post any other commercial information 
without my permission.

I also want to hear opinions from the members of this list.  Do you want to 
allow SCA herbal vendors to post contact info or advertisements here?  
Frankly, I have absolutely no problem with Leonora, Suzannah and others 
including their contact info in their signature lines.  I appreciate BRIEF 
mentions by merchants that they will be vending at some event or another.  
However, I'd rather not see full-blown commercials such as this on the list.  
So, do we restrict it entirely, allow anything SCA/herbal related up to full 
blown commercials, or are you satisfied with my judgement calls?  

Keep in mind, if you ask for a very restricted attitude, I will interpret 
that as no businesses in signature lines or openly passing on info about any 
businesses of interest to the majority of the list (sources for beeswax and 
small bottles have come up in the past).

I hope this doesn't sound cranky, but I just got my kids back after 2 weeks 
vacation with their dad, and this is NOT how I planned to spend my evening, 

Mistress Raisya Khorivovna
List Manager
Shire of the Shadowlands, Ansteorra
Go to http://lists.ansteorra.org/lists.html to perform mailing list tasks.

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